Saturday, June 28, 2008

100 Mile View

Yesterday, my girlfriend and I returned to NY after a brief stay in NH. She worked from "home" and I did a whole lot of nothing... well, I stacked wood for 5 hours two days before we left, but that was all. It was a relaxing time in which we accomplished barely anything and had time to spend together and enjoy each others company. I did get her to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy though, which was quite a feat; she even liked it! The girl who was once bored by such tales found the story suspenseful and interesting. Next trilogy to get her to watch: the original Star Wars; but that is for another time.

The ride back to NY was the same trip as usual. We started out talking about this and that until she grew tired and dozed off. It's always near the end of the road, just outside of Bennington, VT that she gets sleepy. So for an hour or so she dozes off and I have time to think on my now solitary journey - until we get to the first rest station on I-90. This time I thought about something that was spurred by my watching of Lord of the Rings. Now, it is by no means meant to be taken as deep philosophical thought - but I contemplated Tolkien's view of technology; that it is evil. Now it may seem like the thought of a radical hippie, but technology might lead to the fall of Man. The progression of technology invades nature and steals its wonder from us. I could go on and on about my thoughts that I was having at that point, but I won't... I need to further think everything through and decide how I really feel on the issue.

We did get to see a most wonderful view, a 100 miles view (though the fog may be hindering that full view) from atop Hogback Mountain along Route 9 in Vermont.

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